
Nationals of what countries may be members of Gold Line?
- Gold Line members may be nationals of any country without any restrictions.
I do not have an invitation certificate. How do I register?
- You cannot register without an invitation certificate.
You must find a registered member and register using his/her certificate number.
May I register in the system more than once?
- One member may have one Personal Account only.
Two or more registrations in the system are not allowed!
May I register a relative using my invitation certificate?
- Yes.


How do I activate my personal account?
- To activate your Personal Account, you must make a 55 USD payment as financial aid after you register.
How do I pay?
- Please click here for the many available payment methods.
What happens if I register but do not pay 55 USD?
- Your personal account will be inactive. You will not be able to make any money from your membership in the system until you pay.
Do I have to pay anything else while I am a member?
- The common rule for all members is that you must provide 25 USD of financial aid every year.

The benefit of being a member

How much will I earn if I become a member?
- You will be entitled to the following amounts, which the system will credit to you as soon as new members contribute their financial aid:
10$ - when a member registers with your personal certificate
5$ - when a member registers with a certificate where your name is listed in lines 6, 5, 4, 3, or 2 in the queue
15$ - when a member registers with a certificate where your name is listed in line 1 in the queue
3$ - from each member who registered with an invitation certificate where your name is stated in any line when they pay the annual fee.
What should I do to make more money on my membership in the system?
- The more people you help join the Gold Line reciprocal financial aid system, the more money you get.
Will my earnings be limited?
- There are no limits to the earnings from membership in the system!
What happens to the money go that other members of the system pay as financial aid?
- Cash and electronic funds that members of the Gold Line international financial aid system contribute as financial aid will first of all be credited to Gold Line’s bank account or payment system account. As soon as the cash or electronic funds are credited to Gold Line’s accounts or e-wallets, the Gold Line system will register its members’ entitlement to corresponding amounts of the cash that has been received from other members, which is a service rendered as part of Gold Line’s liabilities under the user agreement. Members’ entitlement to financial aid is accrued automatically and immediately according to the formula that is quoted in the answer to question 1 of this section

- As soon as the member’s rights to receive financial aid are recorded by the Gold Line system, the system will transfer these electronic funds or cash to the member’s account with the Liberty Reserve or OKPAY payment system or to your bank account.

- If you have not provided a bank account or a payment system account, Gold Line will keep record of your entitlements to cash until you file a cash withdrawal order for your benefit stating a specific bank account or payment system account.
How quickly will the money be credited to my account?
- You will get the credit as soon as the members make a financial aid payment according to the system’s rules.
Will there be a fee for transactions with my account?
OKPAY and Liberty Reserve charge 5% of the transaction amount for any credits to your account.
Must I pay taxes on my income gained from my membership in the system?
- Yes, you must pay taxes on any income you get by being a member according to the tax laws of your country. The reason for this is that Gold Line is not paying you any funds of its own, which means that you are not getting your income from the system. From the tax point of view, Gold Line is just an agent that accepts payments from other members of the system according to their orders, records (using the formula quoted in question 1 of this section) the member’s entitlement to financial aid from other members, and credits cash and electronic funds to members’ bank accounts and payment system accounts right after such recording. Therefore, due to the merit and the legal nature of the relations between members and the Gold Line system, the system is not a tax agent for its members.

Inviting new members

Where do I get my personal certificate to invite members?
- When your Personal Account is registered, you will see your personal certificate in the Certificate section of your Personal Office.
What other ways are there to invite new members?
- In addition to your certificate and its number, you can invite members by using a personal link to the http://login.goldline.pro website. When a visitor clicks this link, the system will identify the number of your invitation certificate automatically.
Is it allowed to use spam to invite new members?
- Spam is strictly forbidden!

Assigning rights to a personal account

May I assign (give, sell, bequeath) the rights to own and run my Personal Account in the system to another person?
- Yes, you can do that provided that the new owner is not a registered member of the system. A $100 fee will be charged for owner change.

Legal description of the Gold Line international financial aid system

Does the Gold Line international reciprocal financial aid system act as a payment system operator, a payment center, a clearing center, or a payment system operation center?
- No. According to the applicable law, the Gold Line international reciprocal financial aid system is not a member of the payment system in the understanding of the Russian law On the National Payment System No. 161-FZ of June 27, 2011.

- The Gold Line system does not allow any payments from one member to another, be it in cash or in electronic funds. Because every payment is based on the principle of one member putting cash or electronic funds on the system’s account and the system remitting cash or electronic funds to other members’ accounts, there are no payments or liabilities to each other between Gold Line members due to the way this system operates.

- The Gold Line system does not register members’ commitments to each other, because due to the way financial aid is provided, all financial aid commitments of a Gold Line member are discharged by him/her directly to the Gold Line system either with the first 55 USD payment or 25 USD annual fee. There is not and may not be any commitment of one Gold Line member to another because of the way this system operates.

- The Gold Line system does not accept any payment orders to transfer its members’ money to other members or third parties. Financial aid that has been granted by any member of the system will be credited to other Gold Line members without any orders, automatically, and in accordance with the formula that is quoted in the answer to question 1 of The Benefit of Being a Member section.
What is a Personal Account in the Gold Line system? Is this a bank account or another account opened by Gold Line to its members?
- A personal account in the Gold Line system is not a bank account or another type of account (a payment system account) that Gold Line opens for its members. A personal account is an internal electronic code that is generated by the machine and assigned by the Gold Line system to each member who has registered and paid the first 55 USD contribution. Once this code is assigned, the Personal Account will be active, and the member will have real access to the Gold Line system services.

- A personal account is a software tool used by the Gold Line system to record the reciprocal rights and liabilities of the members and the system.

- This means that we need a personal account to identify the member in order to determine how much financial aid granted by other members of the system Gold Line shall transfer to this member and to which account (bank account or payment system account).
What is a Gold Line certificate and is it a valuable security?
- A Gold Line Certificate is not a valuable security.

- A Gold Line certificate is a record about the member that enables him/her to get financial aid according to the system’s rules and the formula that is quoted in the answer to question 1 of The Benefit of Being a Member section and to invite other members to the Gold Line system. The Gold Line Certificate (personal certificate) will be generated automatically when the Personal Account is activated. A Gold Line member will be provided the certificate number that will enable him/her to get financial aid in due order and to invite new members in accordance with the Gold Line rules.

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