Thursday, April 19, 2012

The easiest money in your life ..............


About the International Reciprocal Financial Aid System

People have always been striving for stability in their lives and confidence in the future. With this aim in view, they invented a variety of reciprocal aid systems.
This is what gave rise to insurance companies, pension funds, trade unions, and other entities that are based on accumulation and re-distribution of funds provided by the numerous "contributors" to cover the current needs of a relatively small number of them.
The modern world can hardly be imagined without these systems, and the number of such companies is growing every day.

Gold Line International

However, there exists another way to get regular financial support:
- without having to wait for an insurance event or retirement;
- every day, not once a year or once a month;
- not a meager allowance but as much as you need for a good life;
- not from government or private entities but from millions of people from all the world!
Gold Line International is a united international system for reciprocal financial aid that was designed to bring millions of people from the entire world together and let them provide ongoing financial support to each other.
Gold Line is an independent automated system without any human involvement in the accounting and control of financial transactions.
The system keeps real-time account of each member’s entitlements to financial aid, and the amounts are credited to the member’s accounts with a bank or a payment system immediately, which provides 100% guarantee that you get what is due to you in accordance with the rules. Members can see their statistics and manage their personal account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The benefits that your membership in the System will give you are not one-time but regular and will keep growing.
Bringing all countries of the world and all segments of the population together, Gold Line is every member’s opportunity to improve his/her financial situation and gain confidence in the future very quickly.
The development, support, and improvement of the System are funded with members’ annual service fees.

Operation principles of the system

Gold Line would like to notify everyone who is considering joining the international reciprocal financial aid system of the following:
  • The first 55 USD and the 25 USD that you contribute each year as financial aid to other members are nonrefundable:
    - Do not pay if you do not want to provide free aid.
    - Do not pay if you are being deluded or forced to do so.
  • We do not promise that you will get financial aid from other members in every case.
  • We do not promise you that you will get rich quickly.
  • The earnings example that you see in the video and text presentations is just an example of possible earnings and a demonstration of the system’s operation. It is not a public offer.
  • Please note that if you fail to induce other people to join the system or they fail to engage others or/and the interest in the international reciprocal financial aid system goes down, you will not be able to get any financial aid from other members.
  • Gold Line International Reciprocal Financial Aid system is not a pyramid scheme. The arranger, Gold Line, does not accept interest deposits from members and does not promise any guaranteed benefits of being a member of the system. All the members’ contributions are voluntary and nonrefundable.
  • The only source for any financial aid you may get is re-distribution that the system makes of the funds paid to the system’s accounts by new members of the system who were engaged with your help (i.e. registered in the system with your certificate number).
  • All Gold Line does is provide a convenient Internet resource that lets you attract new members and get financial aid from them with nothing but your own energy and persuasion.
  • It only depends on yourself and your business qualities and decisions if and how much you are paid by other members.
  • For organization and maintenance of the Gold Line facility, software handling, taking care of payment systems and banks, etc., we will deduct 5 USD from your first 55 USD financial aid contribution and 4 USD from each 25 USD mandatory annual contribution.
  • Our liabilities to you are limited to:
    - maintaining the Gold Line facility in good working condition;
    - receiving cash and electronic funds that system members credit to Gold Line owned accounts and electronic wallets in payment systems;
    - accrual and accounting of financial aid amounts that we receive from members for the benefit of other members;
    - paying the financial aid amounts, which have been accrued and accounted for members’ benefit, to their accounts and electronic wallets.

During the registration certificate, enter the number of invitation: AG47760


Certificate of such a sample you can get if you take the decision to participate in the system:

Methods of payment:

Sign up for OKPAY and start accepting payments instantly.